Career Police Officer
Becoming a career police officer – choosing a police department; navigating the hiring process, and completion of police academy training.
What comes afterward is a never ending learning experience where you’ll gain an understanding of the human condition from a perspective unique to service in law enforcement.
An Insider's Guide to a Career in Law Enforcement

Based on 80 verified reviews
Becoming a Police Officer
Getting sTarted
Choosing A Police Department
Choosing a police department for your pursuit of a police career provides many choices. There are over 18,000 police departments in the United States, and they come in three sizes…
Becoming a Police Officer
Becoming a police officer rests on Five Truths: self-evaluation; recognizing bad advice; self-sufficiency; integrity; and life and death. There really are Five Indispensable Truths…
Police Academy
Once you’re accepted to the police academy, your department has every expectation that you will complete the training successfully based on testing and investigation. Therefore, you…
Police Report Writing
Police report writing is critically important on so many levels. One can argue that a perfect crime is simply one that is not reported. If a crime is not reported, no …
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