
Police Training Commissions

police training commissions
Illinois Law Enforcement Training & Standards

These commissions, programs and councils are important sources of information for anyone contemplating a police career.

Police training commissions exist in every state to establish and maintain statewide training and practices standards for police officers. Some are more formal than others, but all have the same basic goals.

Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas

Alabama Peace Officer’s Standards and Training Commission. The Department of Public Safety has trained its own officers since 1935, and in 1954, the Department established the Alabama Police Academy.

Alaska Police Standards Council. The Council adopts regulations establishing minimum selection and training standards. They include corrections, probation and parole officers.

Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board: AZPOST. The Board establishes and maintains standards for integrity and professionalism for peace officers and correctional officers.

Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training. The Commission provides standards for employment and training, and it stimulates studies and research to improve the administration of law enforcement.

Police Training Commissions

California - Colorado - Connecticut

California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. The Commission sets minimum selection and training standards. The POST organization has more than 130 staff members, and it functions under the direction of an Executive Director appointed by the Commission.

Colorado Peace Officers Standards and Training. Colorado POST is involved in many aspects of in-service training, and it provides training resources for Colorado peace officers.

Connecticut Police Officer Standards and Training Council (POST). The Council provides high quality basic, advanced and specialized training to Connecticut police officers.  

Delaware - District of Columbia

Delaware Police Training Council. The Delaware State Police Training Division administers mandatory training and education for police officers. The Director has the authority to obtain assistance from other police and professional organizations. 

District of Columbia POST Board (Police Officers Standards and Training Board). The Board sets minimum standards for training, and it enhances the delivery of law enforcement service. It ensures the use of best practices in police officer selection and training standards. 

Police Training Commissions

Florida - Georgia - Hawaii

Florida Criminal Justice Standards Training Commission. The Commission establishes uniform minimum standards for employment and training. Included are full-time, part-time, auxiliary law enforcement, correctional and correctional probation officers.

Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council. The Council provides the citizens of Georgia with qualified, professionally trained, ethical and competent peace officers and criminal justice professionals.

Hawaii Police Standards. The Honolulu Police Department is the state’s main branch of law enforcement, and it is responsible for hiring and training. Contact the Honolulu Police Department’s Career Center to inquire about employment as a police officer in Hawaii. 

Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa

Idaho Peace Officer Standards and Training Academy. The Idaho Peace Officers Association, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Association of Idaho Cities, and Idaho State University work together to provide standards and training.

Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. The Board is the state agency mandated to promote and maintain professional standards for law enforcement and correctional officers.

Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board. Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and satellite academies comprise the Board, and the board members are selected by the Governor.

Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. ILEA provides training for police officers, and it coordinates training and sets standards for the law enforcement service. The Academy provides training to jailers in county jails and city holding facilities and  tele-communicators.

Police Training Commissions

Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine

Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center. (KLETC) serves as the headquarters for all law enforcement training in Kansas.

Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training. DOCJT provides training to police officers in Kentucky, and it is part of the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet.

Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement. The Commission develops the curriculum for mandatory basic training. Included are courses for municipal officers, deputy sheriffs, state police, wildlife agents and all other peace officers. Additionally, it prescribes firearms training standards, and these standards apply to individuals who hold law enforcement positions at the state, parish and municipal levels of government.

Maine Criminal Justice Academy. A police applicant must meet the standards set forth by a Selection Committee established by the Board of Trustees.

Maryland - Massachusetts - Minnesota - Michigan

Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions. PCTC ensures the quality of law enforcement and correctional services. The Commission establishes and enforces standards, and it facilitates delivery of training, education and prevention programs.

Massachusetts Municipal Police Training Committee. MPTC establishes training standards, and it delivers training to more than 20,000 police officers. The training ranges from basic training for new officers to mandatory and specialized training for incumbent officers.

Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training. The Board is an independent state agency, but it does receive administrative support from the Department of Public Safety.

Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards MCOLES. Previously licensed police officers seeking re-licensure, are directed to the MCOLES Recognition of Prior Training and Experience program.

Police Training Commissions

Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska

Mississippi Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training. The Law Enforcement Officers Training Program established the Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training. 

Missouri Police Officers Standards and Training. POST is a regulatory program for licensing peace officers. It ensures compliance with peace officer continuing education requirements, and it conducts investigations for disciplining the licenses of peace officers. 

Montana Public Safety Officer Standards and Training. The office is located on the campus of the Montana Law Enforcement Academy in the north Helena valley.

Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center. The Center, located in Grand Island, provides mandatory basic training, and it provides supervision and management courses and Reserve Officer/In-Lieu-of basic training. The Center provides continuing education and specialized training for law enforcement and detention officers.

Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico

Nevada Department of Public Safety. The Department provides services by promoting safer communities through prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, education and enforcement.

New Hampshire Police Standards and Training Council. PSTC is the sole source of basic training, and it is the primary source of in-service training. It conducts a voluntary accreditation program for law enforcement agencies. 

New Jersey Police Training Commission. The Commission develops and certifies basic training courses. It includes local police, sheriffs, state and county investigators, corrections officers, juvenile detention officers, and other law enforcement positions. 

New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy. The Academy establishes rules, policies, qualifications, and standards for the employment, certification, and training of police officers. 

Police Training Commissions

New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio

New York Police and Peace Officer Training. Office of Public Safety (OPS) provides direct training to sworn law enforcement officers, and it develops and maintains training courses.

North Carolina Justice Academy. The Academy trains thousands of criminal justice personnel at the Salemburg and Edneyville campuses and throughout the state. 

North Dakota Peace Officer Standards and Training. Peace Officer licensing allows for renewal of a Peace Officer’s license up to one year after expiration, and inactive license holders are required to qualify with their sidearm annually. 

Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission. The Commission provides oversight of law enforcement training, and it has oversight of private security, local corrections, jail personnel, bailiffs, and public defender investigators. Commission members are appointed to serve a three-year term.

Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island

Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training. The Council provides education and training to promote professionalism and competency in Oklahoma law enforcement.

Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. DPSST provides training for police, fire, corrections, parole and probation, and telecommunications personnel. In addition, the Council licenses private security providers and private investigators in Oregon.

Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission. On this site you will find Commission Members, Staff, Enabling Legislation, Rules and Regulations. There are links to other Law Enforcement and State Government, and links relevant to Law Enforcement, Training, and Government.

Rhode Island Police Officers Commission of Standards and Training. The Commission establishes rules, regulations, policies and standards for certification and training. It maintain records of law enforcement training, and it serves as a resource to municipalities and the state. 

Police Training Commissions

South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas

South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. The Academy provides mandated basic and advanced training to law enforcement personnel, and it maintains a continuous certification process. 

South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation. The Division provides basic and advanced training to law enforcement officers at the training academy in Pierre, and training is also conducted at field sites throughout the state.

Tennessee Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission. Develops and enforces standards and training for all local police officers, and the Commission promotes continuing training. The Commission is composed of eighteen members that include local police, legislators, and Tennessee citizens. Work of the Commission is supported by two staff members and the Tennessee Law Enforcement Academy staff.

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education. The Commission establishes minimum standards for the licensing of Texas peace officers. Included are county jailers, armed public security officers, and it certifies law enforcement instructors and tele communicators.

Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington

Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training. The Council provides standards and training, leadership, and certification for peace officers.

Vermont Criminal Justice Training Council. Through instruction and curriculum, the Council provides resources for officers to gain technical proficiency in foundational police subjects. 

Virginia DCJS – Standards & Training – Criminal Justice Directory. The Directory lists only the local, county and state criminal justice agencies required to comply with  training programs.  Listed are those private corporations and campus police who qualify and elect to comply with training standards.

Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission. The Commission provides customers the latest information regarding upcoming courses offered by the Commission, and it provides resources and links for criminal justice professionals and job announcements for agencies statewide.

Police Training Commissions

West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming

West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards. The Program is tasked with oversight of training and certification of law enforcement officers in the State. 

Wisconsin Department of Justice Training and Standards Bureau. The Bureau coordinates criminal justice initiatives, and it serves as the staff of the Law Enforcement Standards Board (LESB). It administers the programs of the Board for certification of police, jail and secure detention officers, instructors and academies.

The Bureau administers reimbursement of training expenses for participants in LESB programs, and it coordinates and supports statewide training provided by the Department of Justice to Wisconsin law enforcement. The Bureau also administers state and federal grant funds supporting juvenile justice and adult criminal justice initiatives.

Wyoming Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission. The Commission sets standards for employing, certifying, and training of all peace officers. This includes all detention officers, (county jails) all corrections officers (state institutions) and all dispatchers.

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